As simple as possible about ASO


If everything is simplified, then this procedure implies measures to optimize mobile software, it can be both a game and a program.

The task of the developer is to select search queries and think over the semantics with further integration of the CS. And all this will be indexed by the search engine in the future.

In addition, both the description and the name of the software itself greatly affect the conversion, so everything should be as clear and readable as possible. And it is important that in the end everything does not look like it was written for a certain search algorithm, otherwise the application will not be able to interest the consumer.

An ASO specialist deals with various languages, and this is an important feature that makes it possible to make the software high-quality and popular.

Examples of using

At the moment, the official store is considered the main platform for promotion.


Even with high-quality text optimization, software needs to be thoroughly worked out visually in order to attract the attention of a new user. This will increase the number of downloads.

Why an ASO application

At the same time, the quality of the graphics makes it possible to greatly increase the conversion. The task of specialists is to set specific tasks for the designer and track progress. For maximum effect and minimization of risks, as well as minimal loss of conversion, all graphic metadata is tested, so this aspect should also be studied.

In general, optimization is influenced by a number of factors with which an ASO specialist does not interact directly, but must take everything into account and analyze it without fail.

Among the main factors it is worth highlighting:

  1. Both the rating and the number of reviews.
  2. Software quality.
  3. Constantly updates.
  4. Localization.
  5. Behavioral factors.